The Three Phases of a Chess Game

Continued from The Three Phases of a Chess Game.

Phase Two: The Middle Game

Let the fighting begin! The middle phase of chess brings you into the direct battle zone. This phase is spent attacking and, unfortunately, being attacked.

During this phase of the game, you’ll look for ways to stabilize or cripple your opponent and break down his defenses around his King. You’ll also want to be sure your King is highly protected during this phase. Don’t let your guard down for a moment.

The purpose of this phase of the game is to gain ground towards your opponent’s King and to eliminate his Queen if possible.

The middle game should consist of the following strategies:

    1. Pressure your opponent into moves that will enable you to attack later.
    2. Limit the movement of your opponent’s pieces.
    3. Coordinate each piece for a winning position.
    4. Trade your pieces when ahead.
    5. Attempt multiple attacks with only one move when possible.

During the middle game, it’s important to keep in mind your ultimate goal – capturing the King. Don’t lose sight of your strategies while the “active” battle is going on.

Phase Three: The End Game

This is where the game comes to a conclusion, with either you or your opponent’s victory at hand. The strategy you’ve planned now comes into full view. During this phase of the game, you will be active with all pieces on the board. Every piece suddenly becomes a weapon, even your King (if your Queen has been eliminated).

Although this is the end phase of the game and may seem to be the most tense, keep in mind that some of the tension has been relieved. There are not as many pieces on the board by this time, so you will be able to think more clearly before moving. Your mind will be free to concentrate on the event at hand.

Some strategies which will apply to the end game are below:

    1. Use your King as a deadly weapon if your Queen is no longer on the scene.
    2. Blockade your opponent’s passed pawn (if he has one)
    3. Place all of your pieces in active positions.

Developing skills in all three of these phases can improve your chess game, while also simplifying the learning process if you’re a beginner. By Candice Pardue.

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