Chess for Beginners 2

Continued from Chess For Beginners.

Pawns move entirely differently than other pieces on the board. The Pawn is essentially a foot soldier. He moves forward one square at a time. A Pawn is never allowed to retreat. Pawns are allowed to move two squares forward on the initial move only. Pawns are not allowed to pass over any piece of either army.

Pawns capture pieces differently from the way they move. When capturing another piece, a Pawn must move diagonally to do so. A Pawn may not capture a piece that is in front or beside it.

The Pawn is able to use a unique move to capture pieces of the opposing army. I’m going to use a black piece for demonstration purposed. Black moves forward two squares on the initial move. The white piece beside it wants to capture it before it can advance any further. In this case, and for one move only, the white piece can capture the black as if it had only moved forward one square. To capture the black Pawn, move the white opposing Pawn forward diagonally and remove the black Pawn. This is called an “en passant,” which is French for “while passing.” This move is very complicated for beginners, but I wanted to mention it because it is a legal chess move. If you plan to attempt an “en passant,” be certain you completely understand the move. A diagram will make the move clearer. The “en passant” is a very controversial move. Before the game begins, ask the opposing player if he agrees that this move can be made.

Not all chess games end in a checkmate. Chess masters often choose to resign before this occurs. If they believe they have absolutely no chance of winning the game, the “give” the game to their opponent.

If two opposing players of a chess game are evenly matched, the game often ends in a draw. This is what many people would call a tie. Neither player wins.

Draws can occur in a variety of ways. A stalemate is when the player whose turn it is cannot move legally. Stalemates are common in chess.

Draws also occur when both players agree to end the game and classify it as a draw. Keep in mind a draw is not offered often. Chess etiquette mandates that to make frequent offers of a draw is being rude. If you plan to offer a draw, make your move and politely offer the draw. You cannot offer a draw without first moving a piece.

A three fold repetition draw is when the same position occurs three times in one game, all with the same player to take his turn next. These often occur near the end of a game when one player continually checks the other.

A perpetual check is when one player delivers check regardless of the square chosen by his opponent’s King.

Put the information in this article to good use. Remember, the best way to improve your game is to play opponents that are more experienced than you. Yes, you will probably always lose, but the knowledge you gain will be worth the defeat. Then, one day you might just surprise yourself and put your opponents King in checkmate. By Mary M. Alward.

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